A kastélyt Bloier Henry 1141-ben hozta létre, összekötve a két Norman csarnokot egy függönyfallal, amely végül megszüntette az angolszász palotát. Matilda császárnő 1141-ben, a polgárháború idején, az Anarchia néven támadta meg a kastélyt. Ez volt a vár első és egyetlen ostroma, amikor Stephen megtartotta Henry püspökségét.
The castle was created by Henry of Blois in 1141 by linking the two Norman halls with a curtain wall which would have finally obliterated any remaining parts of the Anglo-Saxon palace. It was the scene for the Rout of Winchester in which the Empress Matilda assaulted the castle later in 1141, during the period of civil war known as The Anarchy. It was the castle's first and only siege, when it was held for Stephen by the retainers of Bishop Henry.